
  1. 4. Who succeeded Elijah as a prophet? (2 Kings 2:1)
  2. 6. What did Elijah order to be poured over the sacrifice filling the trench around the altar? (1 Ki. 18:33)
  3. 8. Where did God take Elijah in a whirlwind? (2 Kings 2:1)
  4. 9. What did Elijah ride in when he was taken up to heaven? (2 Kings 2:11)three words
  5. 10. When the people of Israel saw that the fire from God consumed the entire sacrifice, they responded by saying, "The Lord-He is ______." (1 Ki. 18:39)
  6. 11. How many men witnessed the miracle of Elijah dividing the Jordan River to cross over on dry ground? (2 Kings 2:7-8)
  7. 13. Elijah prophesied to King Ahab that because he rejected the Lord, __________ was come to his family. (1 Ki. 21:21)
  8. 15. Who was Ahab's wicked wife? (1 Ki. 16:31)
  9. 16. When Elijah had the altar prepared for the sacrifice against Baal, what was dug around the altar? (1 Ki. 18:32)
  1. 1. The Lord told Elijah to stand before him on the mount. The Lord passed by, and his presence came to Elijah in a still small __________. (1 Ki. 19:11‐13)
  2. 2. Elijah told King Ahab that he had led the people of Israel in __________ worship. (1 Ki. 18:18)
  3. 3. What did Elijah use to strike the Jordan River causing the water to separate? (2 Kings 2:8)
  4. 5. After Elijah went to heaven, how long did men search for him? (2 Kings 2:17)two words
  5. 7. King Ahab did more __________ in the eyes of the Lord than all the kings that were before him. (1 Ki. 16:30)
  6. 12. Elijah said God would answer with __________. (1 Ki. 18:24)
  7. 14. When Elijah had the altar prepared for the sacrifice against Baal, how many stones were used for the altar? (1 Ki. 18:31)