Elijah's Piece of cake
- 2. something that helps things to slide
- 5. good for removing dry lumps from dry ingredients
- 7. gives the baking a growth spirit
- 9. something that helps to hold the food in the oven
- 13. dry not so good tasting white powder that also gives baking a growth spirit
- 15. a cup with measurements on them
- 17. good for impaling food on it to put them in your mouth
- 18. Good for stabbing/cutting 'food'
- 19. Good for keeping children quiet
- 1. a miniature cake in your hands
- 3. the unborn children of a chicken
- 4. Good for mixing
- 6. a food that's pretty unhealthy
- 8. The cloths for a cake
- 10. It lies about there being pins
- 11. a jug with measurements on them
- 12. dry not so good tasting white powder
- 14. Good tasting white stuff that isn't healthy
- 16. gives the food a hot summer
- 19. good for holding the stuff to be mixed