Eli's Am. Gov. Crossword Puzzle 2k19

  1. 5. A law that ordered people to return slaves that ran away to their owners and sparked debate in free states
  2. 9. The Executive Branch (the President) has the power to _____ laws passed by Congress
  3. 10. When a state decides to leave the union that is the United States, it participates in _____
  4. 11. A political group that believed states should have more power than the national government
  5. 13. An addition to the US Constitution to explicitly state rights not included in the Constitution
  6. 19. The US's system of government is not a democracy; it's a _____
  7. 20. The document that was sent to King George III on the 4th of July, 1776
  8. 23. The written statement that states how Congress's rulings on Concurrent Powers are higher than any rulings decided by the states (i.e. minimum wage)
  9. 24. Enumerated powers in the constitution that give each branch of government the right to correct others and protect the constituents from unfair rule
  10. 25. A conflict between the national and southern entities, in which the south tried to succeed from the US
  11. 27. A two party system
  12. 28. Abilities of Congress that are not explicitly stated in a document, but can still be enacted without overreaching in power
  13. 29. A national system of government
  14. 30. A method for the selection of judges in this state and other states that adopted this method
  1. 1. Different groups of people with similar beliefs that agree to vote a certain way in most elections and affairs
  2. 2. A political group that believed states should have less power than the national government
  3. 3. A conclusion by the government that slaves would be counted as 3/5 of a person to determine population
  4. 4. Government run by the people as a whole (i.e. voting on all issues and decisions)
  5. 6. Different branches of government are used to achieve this and, as an intended result, have a more fair and separated system with checks and balances
  6. 7. The decision agreed to by large and small states that set up the US Congress and the numbers of representatives for both the Senate and the House of Representatives
  7. 8. A document written to outline a government's system and people's rights
  8. 12. Abilities of Congress explicitly stated in the Constitution
  9. 14. Unstated abilities that overlap when it comes to whether the states or Congress has the right to decide
  10. 15. The first trial of a national document to outline the US's government; written before the constitution
  11. 16. Our indirect system of voting uses people in the _____ to officially vote
  12. 17. A national government that is not divided into a federal system and a state system
  13. 18. The document that contains the first ten amendments added to the Constitution
  14. 21. The Supreme Court's power to decide whether a law passed by congress is constitutional or not
  15. 22. A totalitarian form of government in which one person is the sole decision maker of the country
  16. 26. Abilities saved for the states to decide for themselves; sometimes overlapping with national implied powers