Elise The Beast Houston

  1. 2. what was the city Elise landed in at the beginning of her gap year in 2005
  2. 4. what star sign is Elise?
  3. 5. what vegetable does Elise hate and pretend to be allergic to so that it is removed from dishes
  4. 7. which country did Elise do a camping road trip to in 2021?
  5. 9. who is Elise’s work wife?
  6. 10. is Elise’s fave alcoholic beverage
  7. 12. what animal does Elise to refer to her mother as (not the owl thing)
  1. 1. what Greek food is Elise’s favourite?
  2. 2. at Glasgow University, Elise studied 3 subjects:film, theatre and?
  3. 3. what genre of music does Elise like the most?
  4. 6. what does Elise never give a man?
  5. 8. what make of car does Elise drive
  6. 11. what is Elise’s nickname that was also her pet rabbits name