Ella's French Vocabulary 4

  1. 3. French word for ‘after’
  2. 4. What does the verb ‘savoir’ mean?
  3. 6. French verb that means ‘to want’
  4. 9. Write the plural of ‘oiseau’.
  5. 11. Write the plural of ‘la fleur blanche’.
  6. 12. Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb ‘Pouvoir’: Est-ce que je ________ avoir un verre d’eau?
  7. 15. French for ‘bathroom’
  8. 16. French word for ‘potatoes’.
  9. 20. Fill in the blank with the correct conjugation of the verb ‘Partir’: Quand _________-vous en vacances?
  10. 21. What pronoun should be in the follow sentence: _________ voulons aller au nouveau restaurant mexicain.
  11. 22. French word for ‘old’ (hint: starts with the letter V)
  1. 1. French word for ‘morning’
  2. 2. French for ‘Sixty Four’
  3. 3. What does the word ‘beaucoup’ mean?
  4. 5. What does the word ‘demain’ mean?
  5. 7. French word for ‘clock’
  6. 8. Write the plural of ‘un nez’
  7. 10. French word for ‘son’.
  8. 13. French word for ‘wind’
  9. 14. French for ‘by foot’
  10. 17. French word for ‘midnight’
  11. 18. French word for ‘smile’
  12. 19. French word for ‘left’