Ella's Hobbit Study Tool

  1. 2. Bilbo's symbol of home and security
  2. 5. who Bilbo interacted with in 1st burglary attempt
  3. 6. the elves reside here
  4. 8. what the Elvenking; Master; and dwarves; love very much
  5. 12. afraid of fire & cannot climb trees
  1. 1. what will the trolls eat
  2. 3. master of the Last Homely House
  3. 4. cup, what Bilbo steals from Smaug's lair
  4. 7. what Gandalf uses to instigate trolls
  5. 9. how Bilbo interacts with Smaug and Gollum mainly
  6. 10. town that Smaug burnt down
  7. 11. archer from Lake-town