Ellie P.'s Stage 13 crossword

  1. 3. when Julius Caesar first brought his soldiers to Britian
  2. 6. to be able (irregular verb)
  3. 7. how long the British lived under the power of the Romans
  4. 9. arouse, wake up
  5. 12. how many times Julius Caesar visited Britatin
  6. 14. the death of Trajan was ____
  7. 15. the principal part that shows the conjugation
  8. 16. in English, the difference in letters between perf. and imperf. verbs
  9. 18. forth conjugation ending
  10. 22. family of verbs
  11. 24. arrive
  12. 25. an irregular verb meaning "to be"
  13. 26. barn
  14. 27. rush
  15. 28. all imperf. verb endings have this...
  16. 29. drag
  17. 30. himself, herself, themselves
  18. 31. the people in charge of the Celtic religion
  1. 1. third declension dative noun endings
  2. 2. the amount of Roman names on wood strips
  3. 4. to bring (irregular verb)
  4. 5. family of nouns
  5. 8. infinitive end in these letters
  6. 10. the difference between the second and third conjugation endings
  7. 11. building
  8. 13. first conjugation ending
  9. 17. first declension dative noun endings
  10. 19. plot, conspiracy
  11. 20. the Roman attitude to the Celtic gods
  12. 21. Roman shield formation
  13. 23. what were built in Vindolanda