emergency medicine,sports medicine, psychiatry,accidents
- 3. fainting or loss of conciousness often caused by a temporary lack of blood flow to the brain
- 4. stumbled or fell often due to catching ones foot on something or losing balance
- 6. a state of intense often excessive enthusiasum excitement or obsession which can manifest as impulsive or irrational behaviour
- 9. dizzy or lightheaded often due to injury or intoxication
- 10. lying on ones back with the face upwards
- 11. relief from pain often achieved through medications therapy or medical treatment
- 13. a strong feeling of happiness excitement and triumph often accomplishment or euphoria
- 14. an arrangement where the audience for a role play surrounds the performers so they can see both participants in the role play
- 15. accidently injured ones toe by bumping it against something often causing pain and bruising
- 1. a medical condition characterized by an abnormal asymmetrical head or neck position often caused by muscle spasms or neurological disorders
- 2. a type of pressure sore or wound that develope on the skin typically due to prolonged pressure friction often affecting bedridden or wheelchair bound individuals
- 5. a mild temporary emotional condition experienced by many new mothers characterised by feelings of sadness anxiet and mood swings often occuring within the first few days or weeks after childbirth
- 7. refers to the period of time before a baby is born typically used to describe medical care or check ups during pregnancy
- 8. a medical condition characterized by an abnormal increase in cell number leading to tissue to overgrowth
- 12. broken or fractured into many small pieces often used to describe as servier bone fracture