Emergency preparedness Vocabulary

  1. 1. The L in L.I.E.S.
  2. 7. Possibility of a blizzard or other weather
  3. 10. How tropical storms are classified
  4. 13. The E in L.I.E.S.
  5. 14. Can be pushed by 12in. of flooding
  6. 18. Phone number 800-222-1222
  7. 19. Usually depicted with grey clouds, lightning, and lots of rain
  8. 20. Can be floods, hurricanes, or tornadoes
  9. 21. Federal Agency that helps with disasters
  10. 22. State Agency that helps with disasters
  11. 23. The I in L.I.E.S.
  12. 24. Bleach and cleaners can act like this
  13. 26. A cyclone with wind speeds of 38 or less mph
  14. 27. Two to three days at 90 degrees or higher
  1. 2. Natures most violent storm
  2. 3. Can be pushed by 6in. of flooding
  3. 4. Can be pushed by 24in. of flooding
  4. 5. The estimated area a hurricane of tropical storm can be seen passing through
  5. 6. Rules and steps to help us prepare and store thing correctly
  6. 8. One of the potential dangers of extreme heat and thunderstorms
  7. 9. The people who get to a problem first
  8. 11. The possibility of colder weather and snow or ice.
  9. 12. Issued for accumulations of snow
  10. 14. The S in L.I.E.S.
  11. 15. A substance that can be dangerous and is in many different cleaning products
  12. 16. A cyclone with winds above 74 mph
  13. 17. A cyclone with wind speeds of 39 to 73 mph
  14. 20. Issued in hazardous winter weather
  15. 21. Can have 6in. of water or more
  16. 25. Community Emergency Response Team