Emergency Response Team Crossword

  1. 4. Be careful not to expose yourself to this in the event of an amputation or laceration.
  2. 7. One of the best substances for cooling a fire.
  3. 8. ____, Fuel and Oxygen are all needed to create fire.
  4. 9. For the NFPA rating system, red means;
  5. 10. Used to shock the heart into normal rhythm.
  6. 11. Manual stimulation of the heart.
  7. 12. Opens airways and raised blood pressure in the event of a severe allergic reaction.
  8. 16. Always be sure to keep yourself ____ before helping anyone in need.
  9. 17. ________ are used to disrupt the chemical reaction to extinguish a fire. (no space).
  10. 20. Anytime there has been unplanned exposure or placement of a substance. (no space).
  11. 21. The portion of the bandage that is directly covers the wound.
  12. 22. Class A fires usually consist of this substance.
  13. 23. The step following aiming the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  14. 24. In the event of a minor injury (small cut/strain and etc.) use ____ to take care of the individual.
  15. 26. The Fire _________ depicts ways to go about extinguishing a fire.
  16. 28. Hazard basics are ___ Trips and Falls.
  17. 31. If an individual is experiencing a ______; roll them on their side and DO NOT put anything in their mouth.
  18. 32. Powder used as an absorbent in the event of chemical spill. (no space).
  1. 1. Remove or dilute this to extinguish a fire.
  2. 2. Used to cover and/or fill deep wounds.
  3. 3. _____ the fuel from the fire by shutting all valves feeding gas or flammable liquid fires.
  4. 4. Microorganisms carried in bodily fluids that can cause disease. (acronym).
  5. 5. Medical condition resulting from the inability to self-regulate blood sugar.
  6. 6. In the event of a heart attack, this medication can help by making the blood "slippery". (no space).
  7. 8. Medical condition associated with pain in the left arm. (no space).
  8. 11. This GHS pictogram for ________ depicts two glass vials dripping their contents onto a human arm and a solid object.
  9. 13. Substances that make a substance safer to handle by making it less acidic or basic.
  10. 14. Remove this to smother a fire.
  11. 15. Another term for a heart attack. (no space).
  12. 18. You can extinguish a fire if you ____ a fire faster than it can produce heat.
  13. 19. Glorified, more advanced versions of First Aid Kits. (no space).
  14. 20. Classification of a fire that would occur in a kitchen.
  15. 24. Where to go in the even of a fire within the building. (no space).
  16. 25. Before attempting clean-up of a chemical spill, always consult the ____. (acronym).
  17. 27. Call 911 to get an _____ Immediately.
  18. 28. ______ wound coverings typically come in packages; ready for use.
  19. 29. The first step in using a fire extinguisher.
  20. 30. A chemical ____ occurs when living tissue is exposed to a corrosive substance.
  21. 33. Fire is a chemical reaction that produces heat and ____.