/emilio work

  1. 2. Their purpose is to move the cursor
  2. 5. Take care of what we do
  3. 6. Use it to see netflix
  4. 9. Leonel Messi plays it
  5. 10. It writes in paper
  6. 13. Enemy of xbox
  7. 14. Only you can hear music with them
  8. 16. Problem _______
  9. 17. I run ____
  10. 19. Knows about matematics
  11. 20. The computer use it to project the thing we are doing
  1. 1. we tell the things
  2. 3. ______ catholics
  3. 4. Is used to write words in computer
  4. 7. Padilla teach us this
  5. 8. Work in teams
  6. 11. Enemy of playstation
  7. 12. You send wastsapp masages from there
  8. 15. My favorite artist
  9. 18. Were you pass most of the time +9