Emily Jeslyn 8B

  1. 1. Air pollutants such as gasses from …… can cause various diseases for the respiratory system
  2. 4. The natural cleansing of lungs is disrupted, leading to the accumulation of ……
  3. 6. Inflammation of the bronchi is called ………
  4. 9. The higher air pressure outside forces air to enter the ……
  5. 11. Taking in of air is called…
  6. 12. Trachea is also known as……
  7. 13. In the chest, the trachea branches into two…
  8. 16. Each bronchus splits into smaller tubes called ……
  9. 18. The volume of thoracic cavity decreases causing air pressure in lungs to ……
  10. 19. Letting out of air is called….
  11. 20. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal cavity by a muscular sheet called ……
  12. 22. After the air leaves the nasal cavity, it goes down the…
  13. 24. The volume of thoracic cavity increases causing air pressure in lungs to ……
  1. 2. The bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called ……
  2. 3. External intercoastal muscles contract and pull the rib cages upwards and ……
  3. 5. Lung cancer is usually caused by ………
  4. 7. Uncontrolled growth of cells in the lungs
  5. 8. The ribcage consists of ribs and …… muscles
  6. 10. During exhalation, diaphragm muscles relaxes and arches……
  7. 14. The diaphragm muscles …… and flatten during inhalation
  8. 15. Air enters the respiratory system through the …..
  9. 17. The lungs are protected by….
  10. 19. Condition due to the damage of alveoli in the lungs……
  11. 21. Chronic disorder which air passages of the lungs become too narrow is called……
  12. 23. The voice box is called…