Emily's Lord of the Rings Crossword

  1. 3. Gimli's ax gets a nick in it because a orc had a metal ______.
  2. 5. Saruman's first Uruk Hai orc.
  3. 8. Merry is a _______ of Rohan.
  4. 10. One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to ____ them.
  5. 14. Eowyn is a ____________ of Rohan.
  6. 15. ____ for Mortal Men doomed to die.
  7. 16. Sauron's strongest defense.
  8. 17. Gimli's title is Lord of the __________ Caves.
  9. 18. Who gave Frodo the mithril shirt.
  10. 20. A food hobbits especially like.
  11. 21. Gandalf's sword.
  12. 22. Mount doom's real name.
  13. 25. What the orcs called saruman.
  14. 26. Actor for Aragorn.
  15. 27. Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the ___.
  16. 28. _____ of kings.
  1. 1. Legolas' is the bow of the _________.
  2. 2. A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives _________ when he means to.
  3. 4. Killer of the nazgul king.
  4. 6. One for the Dark Lord on his dark ______.
  5. 7. Seven for the Dwarf-_____ in their halls of stone.
  6. 9. Charachter that makes bad soup.
  7. 10. Home of the tree shepherds.
  8. 11. Sauron's other names
  9. 12. The Charachter who wants the Ring for Gondor.
  10. 13. The greatest and the swiftest of the Eagles of the North
  11. 19. The river that can make a hobbit tall.
  12. 23. One Ring to _____ them all and in the darkness bind them.
  13. 24. Aragorn the ______, son of Arathorn.
  14. 26. Sam's title.