Emma Soliman Articles X-Word

  1. 2. Enforcing laws was a big obstacle that the Continental _______ faced.
  2. 6. The Articles of Confederation was our first _______, passed during the Revolutionary War.
  3. 8. The states worried that Congress would _____ some states more than others, which is why they decided to do their best to weaken the government. (And as we know, they did!)
  4. 9. To try to persuade people to buy local products, the states _____ goods that were produced in other states.
  5. 14. The Constitution was not written until more than a _______ after the Rev War, so until then the Articles of Confederation was our governing document.
  6. 16. The ___________ established the U.S as an independent and new country.
  7. 19. Since Congress did not have its own army after the Rev War, a local ______ had to deal with Shay's Rebellion.
  8. 20. The Treaty of _____ ended the Rev War and which forced England to give up some of their land, making our new western boundary the Mississippi River.
  1. 1. Which U.S. State did Shay's Rebelion take place in?
  2. 3. Each state had/minted their own ________, which caused economic crisis and the value of paper money to dwidle.
  3. 4. Many factors convinced the states to want to _____/rewrite the Articles of Confederation, such as the shrinking value of paper money, the fact that the British were still present in the U.S, and Shay's Rebellion.
  4. 5. Only 5 states sent delegates in seventeen _________ to the convention in Annapolis, Maryland, which had the purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.
  5. 7. Who wrote the speller (or the dictionary) for "American English?"
  6. 10. The Articles of Confederation concertratred power in the _____, which was the reason Congress was so weak.
  7. 11. U.S Congress only had _____ brach, which was The Legislative.
  8. 12. When the delegates met in 1787, some of them wanted to rewrite the entire Articles of Confederation based on ____________. (Which meant that the government AND the states would be able to SHARE the power.)
  9. 13. Congress could declare ____, but could not force anyone to join the army.
  10. 15. The National Government had _____, but couldn't pay them since it was not able to tax the states.
  11. 17. The fact that the U.S. was not united as a country and that every state was standing on their own was the underlying ______ that the early U.S. faced.
  12. 18. To pass a bill, _____ out of thirteen states had to approve it, which made passing any new laws extremely difficult and made Congress have little say/power.