(MK) EMS med/ethic/legal

  1. 2. placing a person in fear if imminent bodily harm
  2. 4. principals of proper conduct within a profession
  3. 6. skills you are allowed to perform by law
  4. 8. Latin term used legally to mean the thing speaks for itself; an event without which the injury would not have occurred
  5. 9. legal obligation to provide emergence medical services
  6. 10. patient's overt acknowledgement that they accept the medical procedures that are going to be performed
  7. 12. defamation through written document
  8. 13. spoken communication that defames another person
  9. 15. having the mental capacity to make decisions
  10. 16. injury cause by the provider's disregard for the well being of others
  1. 1. performing a legitimate act in a manner that causes injury
  2. 3. performing an improper act that causes injuries
  3. 4. federal legislation that make it illegal to refuse appropriate screening exam, and, if necessary, treatment
  4. 5. degree of attention and caution that would be exercised by a reasonable person with the same training in the same circumstances
  5. 7. type of law that pertains to wrongdoing against and individual and harm done to one party by another
  6. 11. failure to perform an act that one is obligated to perform or wrongdoing by omission
  7. 14. termination of patient care without transferring care to a qualified healthcare provider when the patient is still in need of or desires medical care