En español 1 Unidad 5 Etapa 1

  1. 4. You do this after a shower
  2. 7. You put this on your toothbrush
  3. 12. Something you use to stay warm
  4. 14. Used to dry off after a shower
  5. 15. You use this to wake up
  6. 16. This body part is used to write
  7. 17. You do this before dinner
  8. 19. The brain is found in the _____
  1. 1. You do this after dinner
  2. 2. It is recommended to brush these at least 2 time a day
  3. 3. something you use to dry your hair
  4. 5. You can see your appearance with this
  5. 6. You use this to comb your hair
  6. 8. Where food goes
  7. 9. You can hear with this
  8. 10. Where you sleep
  9. 11. Used in the shower to clean your body
  10. 13. You can smell with this
  11. 17. Runners need strong ____ to run
  12. 18. Use this to clean your hair in the shower