End of Israel 2 Kings 15-17

  1. 1. The people feared the ___ but served their carved images. 2 Kings 17:41
  2. 4. Ahaz was evil & ___ his son as an offering. 2 Kings 16:2-4
  3. 5. King Ahaz had ___ the priest build a new altar. 2 Kings 16:10
  4. 6. Pekah King of Israel did what was ___ in the eyes of God. 2 Kings 15:33
  5. 8. During the reign of Hoshea the King of Assyria ___ the Israelites away. 2 Kings 17:6
  6. 10. Menahem exacted ___ from Israel to give to the King of Assyria. 2 Kings 15:20
  7. 11. The Lord ___ Israel & Judah to turn from their evil ways. 2 Kings 17:13
  1. 2. They burned their sons and ___ as offerings. 2 Kings 17:17
  2. 3. ___ the Lord & He will deliver from your enemies. 2 Kings 17:39
  3. 7. The people served ___. 2 Kings 17:2
  4. 9. The people ___ all the commandments of the Lord. 2 Kings 17:16
  5. 12. The Lord was ___ with Israel and removed them out of His sight. 2 Kings 17:18