End of Term

  1. 3. All parents will be out shopping for this over summer
  2. 5. A creative subject
  3. 7. There are 6 of these over summer for you
  4. 8. Somewhere 100% attendance learners get to go
  5. 9. The person that runs the House
  6. 11. Studying the world and the things in it
  7. 14. House Team at Sirius Academy North, potentially the best!
  8. 18. Students that misbehave in class get these
  9. 19. Group time every day
  1. 1. Die Antwort ist Deutsch
  2. 2. A crazy task your teachers might have set over the holidays
  3. 4. Sadly leaving us this summer to work abroad next year
  4. 6. Warm weather season
  5. 8. End of year assembly
  6. 10. The return to school
  7. 12. Travelling elsewhere for fun usually with family
  8. 13. Everyone in Neptune should be aiming to get these passes
  9. 15. The type of learner you should want to be
  10. 16. Teacher's workplace
  11. 17. This person is nominated by staff ---- of Neptune