End of the Year Crossword

  1. 2. Publication of everyone's school picture and school events.
  2. 5. loud alarm that disrupts class and we have to line up outside.
  3. 7. List of your grades.
  4. 9. My ELA teacher's name.
  5. 10. There is a lot of standardized __________ at the end of the year.
  6. 12. Summer vacation is a time to chill and ________________.
  7. 14. What we check out and have to turn back in after we borrow/read them.
  8. 16. Big test at the end of the semester.
  9. 22. What ELA stands for.
  10. 24. Grade we are going into next year.
  11. 25. activity most people enjoy during the summer that involves water.
  12. 27. What we hear to be dismissed from class.
  13. 28. Maybe some teachers might celebrate the end of the year with a class _________ with refreshments and treats.
  14. 29. The first assignment you do when you come into class.
  15. 30. The first month of summer.
  1. 1. The test we had to take when we wrote a 5 paragraph essay.
  2. 3. when you go out of town to a different destination.
  3. 4. A special fun trip with classmates.
  4. 6. We are all patiently waiting for the last ____________ on the 24th.
  5. 8. A day of sports and outdoor activities usually in elementary school.
  6. 11. big screen at the front of the room that helps teach a lesson.
  7. 13. We are excited to see what _________ we achieved on our progress monitoring tests. (1,2,3,4 or 5)
  8. 15. The grade I am finishing this year.
  9. 17. Assignments you have to do when you are absent.
  10. 18. Our school Mascot.
  11. 19. Where you go to put your toes in the sand.
  12. 20. What students (and teachers) are looking forward to doing in the morning once school is out.
  13. 21. Month that school ends.
  14. 23. We are all looking forward to our _______ vacation.
  15. 26. Our principals name.