End of Year Crossword

  1. 5. Ms.Massey's fav Disney character
  2. 6. refers to the implied or suggested meanings associated with a word beyond its dictionary definition
  3. 10. Similarities
  4. 11. Ms.Massey has never seen this movie
  5. 12. a prejudiced view (either for or against); a preference
  6. 13. Ms. Massey's husband
  7. 15. Hakuna Matata
  1. 1. Ms.Massey's fav Disney princess
  2. 2. Character that is boring
  3. 3. a reference to another work of literature, person, or event
  4. 4. information designed to influence opinion
  5. 5. the author's attitude toward the subject
  6. 7. to come to a conclusion based on detailed information or to make an educated guess about something
  7. 8. Character that changes throughout the story
  8. 9. Ms.Massey loves to sing their music
  9. 14. Disney princess that is trapped in a castle with books