End of Year Review

  1. 3. a list of all possible outcomes for an event or combined events
  2. 4. the answer to a division problem
  3. 6. a number that is in the multiplication table of another number
  4. 7. lines that never intersect
  5. 8. lines that intersect to form four right angles
  6. 11. what you think will happen when an event occurs
  7. 14. a number that will divide into another number
  8. 15. a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides congruent
  9. 18. the answer to a multiplication problem
  10. 20. an angle that is 180 degrees
  1. 1. an angle between 0 and 90 degrees
  2. 2. a four sided polygon
  3. 5. what actually happens when an event occurs
  4. 9. events whose outcomes don't affect one another
  5. 10. the smallest number that two numbers have in common in their multiplication tables
  6. 12. a parallelogram with all sides congruent and opposite angles congruent
  7. 13. the largest number that will divide into two numbers
  8. 16. an angle between 90 and 180 degrees
  9. 17. events whose outcomes do affect one another
  10. 19. the probability in favor of an event compared to the probability against an event