Endangered Animal Vocab
- 4. Using solar panels is good for energy _________.
- 7. Over 1 billion years ago, Dodo Birds faced_________.
- 9. Sea Turtles are at risk of_______.
- 10. Pitbull is a breed of the dog__.
- 11. Miss Tucker asked us if we eat chocolate, the answer was__.
- 12. Mrs. Jacobson is a strong__ of dress code.
- 13. Your doctor diagnosed you with__.
- 1. When a teacher tells you something it__ your mood.
- 2. In the ocean there is a lot of __.
- 3. Out of 50 states, only 48 are________.
- 5. The school uses a__ for dress code.
- 6. Washington and Idaho had to make a__ decision to save racoons.
- 8. To make your gauges bigger you have to increase the size at an__ rate.