Endocine System Diseases & Disorders

  1. 2. A disease in which the adrenal gland(s) make too much aldosterone which leads to hypertension(high blood pressure)& low blood potassium level
  2. 4. occurs when the parathyroid gland make too much PTH (rickets)
  3. 5. growth & development disorder caused by insufficient secretion of GH
  4. 8. conditioned characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of urine
  5. 10. abnormal growth
  6. 12. (SAD) a type of depression that's related to changes in the season
  7. 13. excessive androgen production
  8. 14. low blood sugar levels
  9. 19. (steroid abuse) excessive body hair, results from excess of androgens
  1. 1. gentic disorder that makes XY fetuses insensitive to androgens, they are born looking like normal girls
  2. 3. occurs due to abnormally high level of the hormone cortisol
  3. 6. decreases a secretion of PTH, leads to hypocalcemia & hyperphosphatemia
  4. 7. occurs when the body produces insufficient amounts of certain hormones produced by the adrenal gland
  5. 9. Enlargement of the thyroid that isn't associated w/overproduction of the thyroid hormone or malignancy
  6. 11. (diabetes mellitus) an abnormally high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels
  7. 15. disease causes the thyroid to produce too much TH
  8. 16. a condition of severely stunted physical & mental growth owing to untreated congenital deficiency of the thyroid hormone
  9. 17. thickened, nonpitting edematous changes to the soft tissues of patient in a marked hypothyroid state
  10. 18. results from excess growth hormones after the growth plates have closed