Endocrine Diseases

  1. 1. / (child-cretinism) (adult-myxedema) hyposecretion of the thyroid gland
  2. 2. / [Hypersecretion] (child-Gigantism) (adult-acromegaly)
  3. 4. / [Hyposecretion] (diabetes insipidus) hyposecretion of ADH by posterior lobe of Pit
  4. 5. / enlargement of thyroid gland
  5. 6. / (diabetes mellitus) disorder of carbohydrate metabolism
  6. 9. / causes releasing of too much aldosterone
  7. 10. / (hirsutism, steroid "rages")
  8. 12. / Low blood glucose levels
  9. 13. feminism / [Syndrome] XY fetuses unresponsive to male hormones
  1. 1. / [Hypersecretion] common in women of reproductive age
  2. 3. / (tetany) deficiency of parathyroid hormone
  3. 4. / (rickets) excess of parathyroid hormone in the bloodstream
  4. 6. / [Hypersecretion] (Cushing's syndrome) hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex
  5. 7. / [Syndrome] failure to start puberty or complete it
  6. 8. / [Disorder] (SAD) depression that's related to changes in seasons
  7. 9. / (Graves' disease, exophthamos) hypersecretion of the parathyroid glands, usually due to tumor
  8. 11. / [Hyposecretion] (pitutary dwarfism)
  9. 12. / [Hyposecretion] (Addison's Disease) occurs when the adrenal cortex layers are destroyed