endocrine disorders

  1. 2. a gland at the base of the brain
  2. 3. the site of production of insulin (and glucagon)
  3. 5. a chemical which travels in the blood to affect other parts of the body
  4. 6. a hormone from the anterior pituitary which could lead to abnormally short size
  5. 8. lack of this hormone could cause the over production of very dilute urine
  6. 9. a lack of this hormone early in development could lead to slow growth both physically and mentally
  7. 12. another gland at the base of the brain
  8. 13. a hormone which might cause excitability,sleeplessness, high blood pressure and high heart rate if in excess
  9. 14. a hormone which also might cause excitability when secreted in excess
  10. 16. the site of production of testosterone
  11. 17. a condition in which blood sugar level is not maintained at constant levels
  12. 18. lack of secondary sexual characteristics in girls could be due to lack of this hormone
  13. 19. the maintenance of a constant internal environment
  14. 22. a hormone which helps regulate calcium levels
  15. 23. an organ which produces substances for secretion
  1. 1. a hormone which may cause too high or low levels of calcium in the blood
  2. 3. another gland in the neck which is around the thyroid
  3. 4. a gland which secretes substances into the blood
  4. 7. a gland in the neck
  5. 10. a chemical which is released from one organism which affects the behaviour of another organism of the same species
  6. 11. a gland which secretes substances into a duct (a tube)
  7. 13. lack of secondary sexual characteristics in boys could be due to lack of this hormone
  8. 15. inability to effectively use this hormone leads to diabetes
  9. 20. the site of production of estrogen
  10. 21. a gland on top of the kidneys