Week 4 SuppLearn Activity for Endocrine Disorders Chapters 1&2

  1. 3. Most common type of hypothyroidism
  2. 5. Substance secreted by endocrine glands
  3. 6. Gland shaped like butterfly
  4. 9. Type of pituitary adenoma that is < 10 mm
  5. 10. Common, benign pituitary tumor
  6. 11. Type 1 diabetes is also known as this type of diabetes
  7. 12. "Master" gland
  1. 1. Common treatment for hypothyroidism
  2. 2. What the body cannot make in Type 1 diabetes
  3. 3. Over-production of thyroid gland
  4. 4. Type of diabetes found in pregnant women
  5. 7. Number of adrenal glands each person has
  6. 8. Enlargement of hands and feet is common sign of this disease