Endocrine part 2

  1. 3. secreted by the posterior pituitary to increase uterine contractions
  2. 6. Increased glucose utilization by tissues causes
  3. 7. treatment of choice for hyperthyroidism used for thyroid tumors, patients are required to stay in the hospital
  4. 9. a disease where the animal will have a normal or ravenous appetite but is losing weight with a thin cachectic appearance
  5. 11. a steroid that increases blood glucose
  6. 13. the reason is unknown for its cause
  7. 15. diabetes that is caused by insulin resistance
  8. 16. the cause is due to medical intervention
  9. 17. destruction of the thyroid gland causes this type of hypothyroidism resulting in a hypometabolic state
  10. 20. this acronym is for the non insulin dependent tissues
  11. 21. a hormone often released during fight or flight that increases glucose levels and promotes lipolysis
  1. 1. formation of glucose from glycogen
  2. 2. is a cholesterol precursor
  3. 4. thyroid tumor
  4. 5. breakdown of glucose into glycogen
  5. 8. growth hormone
  6. 10. diagnostic test that represents glucose levels of the preceding 2-3 weeks
  7. 12. released from the anterior pituitary to stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete T3 and T4
  8. 14. newly or previously diagnosed diabetic where the body metabolizes fats and protein increasing ketones in the body
  9. 18. diabetes where there is beta cell destruction, immune mediated
  10. 19. this type of T4 causes negative feedback inhibition and is unbound