Endocrine Review

  1. 5. tumor of the adrenal medulla
  2. 7. mineral regulated by parathyroid hormone
  3. 11. excessive urination
  4. 12. short stature due to too little growth hormone in childhood
  5. 13. disorder of too much antidiuretic hormone
  6. 14. ovarian hormone that sustains pregnancy
  7. 17. pancreatic cells that produce insulin
  8. 18. inhibits growth hormone
  9. 20. allows cells to take up glucose from the blood
  1. 1. hormone responsible for sodium reabsorption
  2. 2. organ that controls the function of the pituitary gland
  3. 3. hormone responsible for milk let-down
  4. 4. autoimmune hyperthyroidism
  5. 6. epinephrine and norepinephrine
  6. 8. increases blood glucose via gluconeogenesis
  7. 9. build up in blood when fatty acids broken down for energy
  8. 10. disease caused by hypocortical functioning
  9. 15. type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy
  10. 16. protrusion of the eyeballs due to increased tissue behind the eyes
  11. 19. pancreatic cells that release glucagon