Endocrine System

  1. 2. one of the two cell types in the pituitary
  2. 6. the cells that secrete somatostatin
  3. 7. the hormone that facilitates the maintenance of fasting blood glucose
  4. 8. what stage of life is type 1 diabetes onset
  5. 9. the effect glucagon has on protein metabolism
  6. 10. Hydrophilic signaling strategy
  7. 12. Where insulin is inserted for glucose uptake
  8. 15. the only hormone that lowers blood glucose
  9. 17. the main hormone somatostatin inhibits
  10. 18. The most common type of hormone
  11. 20. it’s released from parietal cells and is for vitamin B12 absorption
  12. 21. the type of signal that is compromised with type 2 diabetes
  13. 23. peripheral endocrine gland is a ___ endocrine disorder
  14. 24. The type of resting muscle GLUT4 is insulin dependent in
  1. 1. Insulin inhibits this in carbohydrate metabolism
  2. 3. what converts ATP into cAMP in the hydrophilic pathway
  3. 4. what stimulates ECL cells to release histamine
  4. 5. one of the four hormones that increases blood glucose levels
  5. 9. what leaves the nucleus in the lipophilic pathway
  6. 11. A type of amine hormone that causes fight or flight response in the adrenal gland
  7. 13. somatostatin is in ___ pituitary
  8. 14. what is being attacked in type 1 diabetes
  9. 16. what enzyme is pepsinogen converted to
  10. 19. In type 1 diabetes B-cells are disappearing from what organ
  11. 22. In fat metabolism insulin enhances glucose uptake in what type of cell?