Endocrine System

  1. 2. This disease is caused by a failure of the body to produce insulin
  2. 4. The master-gland controlling the thyroid, adrenal, ovaries, and testes
  3. 8. These are four pea-sized glands that raise blood calcium levels
  4. 10. This hormone stimulates milk production
  5. 13. This is caused when there is too much thyroxin produced
  1. 1. Produced by the adrenal medulla gland
  2. 3. When hypo-secreted, this hormone results in fragile bones
  3. 5. This hormone is produced by the testes
  4. 6. These are located at the top of each kidney and are known as the "fight or flight glands"
  5. 7. Butterfly-shaped and located in the neck are impact metabolism
  6. 9. This hormone influences skeletal muscle development
  7. 11. When hyper-secreted, this hormone results in weight loss despite intaking large amounts of calories.
  8. 12. This hormone promotes uterine lining development
  9. 13. This is a condition in which your blood sugar level is lower than normal
  10. 14. Jill has Type 1 Diabetes. When hypo-secreted, high levels of blood glucose are the result.