Endocrine system

  1. 2. Examples of these are eyes, heart, or lungs.
  2. 4. This system is made up of bones, ligaments, and tendons.
  3. 5. This system allows our population to grow.
  4. 9. This system allows the brain to control the body.
  5. 10. This system converts food into nutrients and energy for our bodies.
  6. 12. This system allows us to move.
  7. 13. This system removes waste from our blood.
  1. 1. This system brings oxygen into the body.
  2. 3. Humans have these five things that allow us to interact with the world.
  3. 6. This system fights diseases in our body.
  4. 7. This system protects the body from the outside.
  5. 8. This system makes hormones that regulate other body systems.
  6. 11. This system delivers nutrients all around the body.