Endocrine system
- 2. Target cells for PTH
- 5. Regulates electrolyte concentration
- 7. Permissive for Insulin
- 8. Promotes milk production
- 9. Thickens endometrium
- 10. What hormone enlarges and divides cells?
- 12. What are estrogen and progesterone to FSH?
- 15. ADH
- 17. Synergist for melatonin
- 20. Made by glucagon
- 21. What is gonadotroin- realeasing hormone to LH?
- 1. Released by testes
- 3. fills endometrium with fluid
- 4. Another name for cortisol
- 6. Action is to increase heart rate
- 11. What contracts the uterus?
- 13. Increases blood pressure
- 14. Action for thymosins
- 15. Target cells for adrenocorticotropic hormone
- 16. Thyroxine
- 18. Thyroid-Stimulating Gland
- 19. Target cells for calcitonin