  1. 3. T3 and T4 are secreted by which gland
  2. 5. Pancreatic alpha cells secrete
  3. 7. The adrenal cortex produces more than ____ hormones called corticoids
  4. 10. Type 1 Diabetes is when the pancreas does not PRODUCE
  5. 12. The ____ controls your blood sugar
  6. 13. This disease occurs if insulin from your pancreas is not working or not being produced from the pancreas
  1. 1. Glucocorticoid is secreted by the
  2. 2. Maintains blood pressure and volume + is a vasopressin + controls concentration of urine
  3. 4. These send signals into the bloodstream + work slowly + are how your body gets energy from the food you eat
  4. 6. The adrenal cortex makes precursors that can be converted into
  5. 8. This gland is a secretory neuroendocrine organ
  6. 9. The thyroid gland will enlarge and produce a goiter if this is lacking in diet
  7. 11. Cells in the pancreas that lower blood glucose levels