Unit C - Diabetes Study Aid

  1. 2. Increased urine output
  2. 4. Caused by too much insulin
  3. 9. Little or no secretion of insulin from beta cells
  4. 12. If glucose stays in the blood stream
  5. 15. When the first instance of hyperglycemia occurs during pregnancy
  6. 17. Makes cells permeable to glucose
  7. 18. Suggested that this is might be Type III diabetes
  8. 20. Breakdown of fats
  9. 22. New glucose from non-carb sources
  10. 23. Production of fat
  11. 24. Water regulation problem due to ADH signaling problem
  1. 1. Type I or Type II diabetes
  2. 3. Disease when there is increased growth hormone secretion which can also result in diabetes
  3. 5. Blood glucose decreases between meals
  4. 6. Results of increase in hunger due to cell starvation from lack of glucose
  5. 7. Cells in the nephron do not respond normally
  6. 8. Target cells respond abnormally to hormones
  7. 10. Secrete insulin after detecting increased blood glucose
  8. 11. Skeletal muscle and liver link
  9. 13. "To siphon"
  10. 14. Breakdown of fats and proteins in body to make energy due to lack of insulin secretion
  11. 16. Increased blood osmolarity stimulates secretion of
  12. 19. Decreased secretion of ADH from neurons in posterior pituitary
  13. 21. Removal or disease of ______ can cause diabetes