Endocrine System & Diabetes

  1. 3. PTH regulates this ion in the blood stream
  2. 4. hormones attach to this on target cells
  3. 7. gland in females that secretes estrogen
  4. 8. secreted when glucose levels are too high
  5. 9. located in brain and secretes melatonin
  6. 10. oxytocin is released from this part of Pit. G.
  7. 13. system that uses hormones to keep homeostasis parathyroid gland that secretes PTH
  8. 14. structure in N.S. that regulated Pit. G.
  9. 16. gland that secretes immunity hormones
  10. 18. part of Pit. G. that releases growth hormone
  11. 19. target cell of glucagon, which stores glycogen
  12. 20. chemical that enters blood & influences tissues
  13. 21. hormone released from the adrenal medulla
  1. 1. the endocrine & nervous systems manage this
  2. 2. secreted when glucose levels are too low
  3. 3. hormone released from the adrenal cortex
  4. 5. essential organ that develops during pregnancy
  5. 6. gland that secretes glucagon and insulin
  6. 11. hormone released from testes
  7. 12. anti-diuretic hormone that regulates water balance
  8. 15. gland that releases T3 & T4
  9. 17. disease involving the pancreas & insulin