Endocrine System Hormones

  1. 3. only hormone that decreases blood glucose
  2. 4. controls the rate at which cells produce energy
  3. 5. helps to regulate the sleep cycle
  4. 10. contains the Islets of Langerhans
  5. 12. gland that produces melatonin
  6. 14. control center for all regulatory activities in the body
  7. 16. Master gland
  8. 17. collection of glands that secrete chemicals
  9. 18. accelerates liver glycogenolysis
  10. 19. adrenal gland are found above this organ
  11. 20. causes milk production and contractions
  1. 1. male reproductive hormone
  2. 2. regulates blood calcium by controlling amount resorbed from bones
  3. 6. female reproductive hormone
  4. 7. group of hormones produced by the adrenal cortex
  5. 8. disease caused by failure of the body to produce insulin
  6. 9. thyroid levels are very low
  7. 11. fight or flight hormone
  8. 13. inner part of the Adrenal gland
  9. 15. stress hormone
  10. 16. 4 tiny hormones that release hormones to regulate calcium levels