Endocrine System Review

  1. 6. gland that secretes cortisol, adrenaline, and noradrenaline
  2. 7. master gland
  3. 10. gland that secretes insulin and glucagon
  4. 11. disorder of too much growth hormone
  5. 13. another name for noradrenaline
  6. 15. hormone that stimulates fight or flight response, 20% of excretion from adrenal gland
  7. 16. Hormone that stimulates metabolic rates in all cells
  8. 17. gland that secretes thyroxine
  9. 18. type of diabetes that is genetic, pancreas does not secrete enough insulin
  1. 1. gland that secretes growth hormone and oxytocin
  2. 2. Hormone that stimulates connection, contraction of uterus, and letdown of milk in nursing mothers
  3. 3. hormone that stimulates fight or fight response, 80% of excretion from adrenal gland
  4. 4. hormone released when blood sugar is low
  5. 5. type of diabetes where cells are resistant to insulin
  6. 8. hormone released when blood sugar is high
  7. 9. another name for adrenaline
  8. 12. stress hormone that suppresses immune system
  9. 14. hormone that stimulates cells to grow