Endocrine System

  1. 3. secreted by an endocrine gland
  2. 5. attributed to excessive production of cortisol
  3. 6. Man's best friend
  4. 8. inflammation of a gland
  5. 9. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
  6. 10. state of excessive pituitary gland activity
  7. 12. run together
  8. 14. total of all chemical processes
  9. 16. Has a trunk
  10. 17. pertaining to the cortex
  11. 19. excessive thirst
  12. 20. condition resulting from deficiency of thyroxine
  13. 21. sugar in the blood
  14. 22. Large marsupial
  15. 23. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  1. 1. excessive thyroid hormones
  2. 2. condition affecting nerves causing muscle spasms
  3. 4. enlargement of the extremities
  4. 7. abnormal accumulation of acid products
  5. 10. excessive calcium in the blood
  6. 11. disease of adrenal gland
  7. 13. Likes to chase mice
  8. 15. Flying mammal
  9. 18. narrow strip connecting two larger body parts
  10. 22. condition resulting from uncontrolled diabetes