Endocrine word puzzle

  1. 3. difficulty feeling pain
  2. 4. inflammation of the brain
  3. 7. relating to the brain and spinal cord
  4. 10. parathyroid glands
  5. 13. loss of feeling
  6. 15. pertaining to the thalamus
  7. 16. diabetes condition
  8. 17. inflammation of the meninges
  9. 18. pertaining to the pancreas
  1. 1. pertaining to the meninges
  2. 2. test of brain activity
  3. 5. inflammation of many peripheral nerves
  4. 6. suturing of many nerves
  5. 8. removal of the nerves
  6. 9. low levels of sodium
  7. 11. radiates the nervous by inflammation
  8. 12. central nervous system tumor
  9. 14. reducing sugar in the urine