
  1. 5. Adrenal adenoma causing primary hyperaldosteronism is known as ___'s syndrome
  2. 6. The most common type of thyroid malignancy
  3. 10. ___ nuclei are a feature of papillary thyroid cancer
  4. 11. Depression and alcoholism can cause ___ Cushing's syndrome
  5. 13. This endocrine condition is associated with diabetes mellitus, carpal tunnel syndrome, hypertension and colorectal cancer
  6. 14. Drug that is used as 1st line treatment for hyperprolactinoma
  7. 15. What tumour marker is used to monitor progress of papillary thyroid cancer
  8. 17. Pituitary adenoma, parathyroid adenoma and pancreatic tumour is associated with MEN ___.
  9. 18. The short ___ test can be used to investigate Addison's disease
  10. 20. Rapid pituitary enlargement due to tumour bleed is known as pituitary ___
  11. 21. Craniopharyngioma originates from ___ pouch
  12. 22. Chovstek's sign in hypocalcemia: tapping of __ nerve causes twictching
  13. 24. In thyroiditidies, there may be a ___ uptake on radioisotope scans
  14. 25. Obstetric haemorrhage causing pituitary infarction is known as ___'s syndrome
  1. 1. Rock-like thyroid occurs in ___'s thyroiditis
  2. 2. This drug can be used to treat symptoms of thyrotoxicosis
  3. 3. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is associated with the development of this type of thyroid cancer
  4. 4. What thyroid cancer is associated with far away mets
  5. 7. In pseudohypoparathyroidism, patients may have short 4th and 5th ___
  6. 8. This drug can be used to treat adrenal hyperplasian causing primary hyperaldosteronism
  7. 9. The name of a somatostatin analogue
  8. 11. This hormone first presents its effect in pituitary tumours
  9. 12. Medullary thyroid carcinoma can cause the release of this hormone
  10. 16. ___ therapy is contraindicated in active Grave's eye disease
  11. 19. Administration of vasopressin causes urine to be more concentrated in ___ diabetes insipidus
  12. 23. In hypothyroidism, patients may have slow relaxing ___