
  1. 3. abbreviation for adrenocorticotropic hormone
  2. 5. suffix for abnormal urine condition
  3. 9. part of the adrenal gland that releases cortisol
  4. 11. suffix for secrete
  5. 14. drug that works against an action
  6. 15. prefix for within
  7. 16. root word for stimulation
  8. 18. pancreatic disorder of reduced or no insulin secretion
  9. 19. prefix for beside
  10. 21. gland that releases insulin to control glucose
  11. 22. suffix for thirst
  12. 25. gland for controlling metabolism
  13. 27. prefix for not
  14. 28. root word for glucose
  15. 29. root word for nerve
  16. 30. suffix for resemble
  17. 31. root word for staying the same
  1. 1. prefix for good
  2. 2. prefix for 2 or double
  3. 4. root word for cortex
  4. 6. ______ cortex releases aldosterone to control sodium levels
  5. 7. place that a hormone attaches to
  6. 8. root word for extremities or high place
  7. 10. root word for male
  8. 12. suffix for cell
  9. 13. master gland
  10. 16. abbreviation for thyroid stimulating hormone
  11. 17. prefix for before
  12. 20. root word for gland
  13. 23. suffix for reduced
  14. 24. root word for fat
  15. 26. prefix for deficient