Enegineerin Design: Natural Disasters

  1. 4. he overall size of the eaarthquake
  2. 6. A fluid's resistance to flow
  3. 9. a tropical storm with high winds
  4. 11. anything that naturally changes the way that the earth looks
  1. 1. occurs when a large amount of water flows above its usual boundries
  2. 2. The resistance of motion when one objet rubs against another
  3. 3. Occurs when a mass of earth or rock falls
  4. 5. To move from a dangerous place to a safer place
  5. 7. an earth process that is caused by an earthquake or under sea volcanic eruption
  6. 8. a release of tension between tectonic plates that creates seismic waves
  7. 10. Happens when a large amount of snow or ice falls