
  1. 5. a action being design
  2. 6. very simple to use
  3. 7. when you are moving in motion
  4. 9. when machines use force
  5. 11. a switch that turns on lights
  6. 12. energy being stored
  7. 13. opens stuff and ride on 1 to school and from school
  8. 14. 1 way to the batery and bulb
  1. 1. a horizontally side walk
  2. 2. helps pull stuff up
  3. 3. a nail
  4. 4. KE +PE=?
  5. 7. when 1 force splits something in 2
  6. 8. energy in motion
  7. 10. 2 ways to reach the bulb or the battery
  8. 15. part of a battery and a bulb