
  1. 3. a fossil fuel
  2. 4. energy from hot rocks
  3. 9. uses energy from the sun to heat water
  4. 10. converts sunlight to electricity
  5. 12. from fossil fuels causes acid rain
  6. 14. fuel that is nonrenwable but does not make greenhouse gas
  7. 15. most energy stores used to generate this
  8. 18. energy from moving water in the sea
  9. 19. energy used twice a day in oceans due to the moon
  1. 1. fuel made from plants and animals eg wood
  2. 2. a fossil fuel
  3. 5. energy from falling water eg dams
  4. 6. fuel that will eventually run out
  5. 7. a green house gas made by fossil fuels
  6. 8. a fossil fuel
  7. 11. fuels made millions of years ago
  8. 12. energy from the sun
  9. 13. energy stores that are easy to use all the time
  10. 16. energy that can be replaced and reused
  11. 17. energy from turbines in the sea or on hills