
  1. 1. state of matter which radiation occurs fastest in.
  2. 3. the rate at which work is done.
  3. 8. energy that is reflected or emitted in the form of electrical and magnetic waves
  4. 12. type of energy created from releasing energy from the nucleus of atoms
  5. 14. a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in an object.
  6. 16. stored energy
  7. 17. unit of measurement for energy
  8. 18. state of matter best for conduction
  9. 19. describes the energy stored in objects that are above Earth’s surface.
  10. 22. the transfer of energy from one object to another, designated with a Q.
  11. 24. transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves.
  12. 26. transfer of energy through matter by direct contact of particles
  13. 28. batteries convert this type of energy to electrical energy.
  1. 2. the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a material by 1 °C or K.
  2. 4. materials through which heat does not flow easily
  3. 5. energy that is primarily used for communication
  4. 6. the transfer of energy that occurs when a force makes an object move.
  5. 7. a unit for power, abbreviated as w.
  6. 9. this type of energy remains constant in a system, due to the Law of Conservation of Energy
  7. 10. materials through which heat flows easily
  8. 11. transfer of energy by the movement of heated particles in liquids and gases
  9. 13. energy from the movement of electrons
  10. 15. the ability to cause change
  11. 20. refers to the sum of kinetic and potential energy of the particles in an object.
  12. 21. a type of stored energy an object has when it is compressed or stretched.
  13. 23. energy that is due to motion
  14. 25. energy that is released as light; ex. light from a bulb. also called solar or light energy.
  15. 27. energy from the sun, fire, etc. used to heat objects