Energy and Enzymes Crossword
- 3. Mrs. Dreiske's favorite student and the creator of this crossword
- 6. Adebosine triphodphste
- 8. What a catalyst reacts apon
- 9. a chemical reaction that breakes polomers into monomers and ATP
- 10. TYpe of energy that refers to energy that is in motion
- 11. Metablism that helps with with growth and support
- 13. Things that cause Enzymes not to work
- 14. Energy that is needed to start a chemical reacion
- 1. A reaction that absorbs energy
- 2. an inhibitor that thakes the place of a substrate to stop a reaction
- 4. Substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction
- 5. Metobolism that helps with digestion
- 7. Term that refers to how enzymes fit with Substrates
- 12. Type of reaction that builds polomers
- 15. A protien that acts as a catalyst to maintain homeostasis