Energy and Simple Machines

  1. 3. an even sloping surface (2 words)
  2. 5. a rigid bar that pivots on a fixed point
  3. 7. energy from the sun
  4. 8. the unit of force
  5. 9. energy of motion
  6. 11. an example of a wedge
  7. 13. a device that can separate or hold things together
  8. 14. food and fuel are examples of this energy
  9. 17. a fixed point a lever pivots on
  10. 19. a grooved wheel that turns on a frame
  11. 20. x-rays, light and radio waves are examples
  12. 22. the most concentrated form of energy
  1. 1. an example of a second class lever (2 words)
  2. 2. an example of a first class lever
  3. 4. the unit of distance
  4. 6. using a force to move something a distance
  5. 7. a modified inclined plane
  6. 10. an example of a pulley
  7. 12. the total amount of potential and kinetic energy
  8. 15. energy from water movement
  9. 16. the unit of work
  10. 18. heat energy
  11. 19. stored energy
  12. 21. energy from air currents