
  1. 2. The unit used for measuring energy
  2. 4. Anything that takes up space and has mass
  3. 5. The movement of energy from one object to another
  4. 8. The type of energy that deals with the total energy of the particles of an object
  5. 9. The type of energy a moving object has
  6. 12. Energy is the ability to do __________
  7. 14. The law of ________ of energy says energy cannot be made or destroyed
  8. 15. This type of energy travels in waves
  9. 17. The form of energy associated with the position and motion of an object
  10. 18. A type of potential energy stored in a stretched spring
  11. 20. Food, candles, and matches are examples of this type of energy
  12. 21. The ability to do work
  13. 22. A waste product of energy conversion
  1. 1. This type of energy is stored in the nucleus of an atom
  2. 3. Coal, oil, and natural gas are this type of energy source
  3. 6. Receiving a shock from a doorknob is an example of this type of energy
  4. 7. The formula for power is energy transferred divided by _______
  5. 10. The kinetic energy of an object depends on both its mass and its _________
  6. 11. Potential energy related to an object's height is called ___________ potential energy
  7. 13. The term given to energy sources that cannot be replaced
  8. 16. The amount of matter in an object
  9. 19. The formula for gravitational potential energy is _______ times height