
  1. 2. when you think something of someone
  2. 3. when your looking for something
  3. 6. when only you can see it
  4. 8. when something is not intact
  5. 10. when somthing is not real but made up and preformed
  6. 12. something you throw away
  7. 13. When you … someone so the can’t see your post
  8. 14. you’re thoughts on somthing is your…
  1. 1. to remove something
  2. 3. where the find the information
  3. 4. when something looks real
  4. 5. someone you don’t now
  5. 7. when you’re sending it to more people
  6. 9. when you don’t now how someone is
  7. 11. when you have nothing to do you have a little…