Engels opdracht

  1. 2. when you sleep for a short time
  2. 4. something you can turn on when it's cold inside
  3. 7. a line with words
  4. 11. Monopoly, Party & Co
  5. 12. someone you don't know
  6. 13. not cheap but ..
  7. 15. someone who is an idiot
  8. 18. someone who plays a role
  9. 19. something that belongs to the Middle Ages
  10. 21. not the past or present but the ...
  1. 1. when something is nice to watch
  2. 3. a thing in which you keep your money
  3. 5. smell
  4. 6. you have to reload something
  5. 8. it protects you against the rain
  6. 9. a car, a barbie, a doll, etc.
  7. 10. console Playstation, Nintendo Switch
  8. 14. when you try something
  9. 16. it wakes you up in the morning
  10. 17. a building where a princess lives
  11. 20. when something is boring